Graduate Profile

Based on the vision, mission, goals, learning achievements and tracer study results, students who graduate from the BPSPE can play an active role and become qualified human resources in various institutions such as:

Profile Must-have Skills
Educational staff of BPSPE with personal, pedagogical, professional, and social competencies

Personal competence includes a noble character, being wise, honest, disciplined, responsible, and authoritative as a role model for students.

Pedagogical competence includes the skills to design, implement, and evaluate conducive learning that supports students’ development.

Professional competence includes the knowledge, skills and responsibility according to the field of expertise.

Social competence includes the ability to work with students, guardians, peers, and the community around the school.


Widyaiswara Physical education in primary schools

Able to become educators and trainers in the education and training unit of government agency units

Entrepreneur in sports

Have the ability to design and implement theories and concepts in the fields of management, industry, and sports marketing and apply sports design and technology