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73rd Anniversary of FIKK: This event is an event to increase cohesiveness between PJSD Department Lecturers

Yogyakarta, September 2024. Commemorating the 73rd Anniversary of the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, FIKK organized a sports match between departments and staff. This event was attended by representatives from four departments in FIKK, namely the Department of Sports Science, Department of Elementary School Physical Education (PJSD), Department of Recreational Sports Education (POR), Department of Sports Coaching Education (PKO), and a team of educational staff (Tendik) FIKK. The sports competed were field tennis, petanque, and badminton. The event was held to strengthen the kinship between the academic community in FIKK.
The field tennis tournament was held on August 27-28, 2024, while the petanque competition was held on September 3-4, 2024. The badminton tournament closed the series on September 10-11, 2024. At the event, the PJSD Department won 1st place in badminton, 1st runner-up for field tennis and petanque. This activity is an opportunity to increase the cohesiveness of the PJSD Department Team, hopefully next year PJSD can participate again and be able to improve these achievements.
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